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Sydney Property Valuation for Court Purposes

Sydney Property Valuers Metro is the leading valuation firm for all your property valuation for court purposes. We provide comprehensive property valuation for court purposes Sydney for a variety of property types.

Certified valuation reports are essential in the processing and dispute resolution of a litigation whenever there is an asset involved. The reports are used to independently assess the value of the asset, without the bias of the involved parties or others who may believe they have something to gain from dealing with the property.

Our independent specialised property valuers provide a detailed, clear and concise valuation report which can be used for legal proceedings. Each of our completed valuations meets the criteria to be accepted by governing bodies for legal proceedings.

All valuers at Sydney Property Valuers Metro are registered with the Australian Property Institute (API) and all have a minimum of 20 years’ experience. Our valuers understand the sensitive nature of these types of valuation reports and will always act with integrity and transparency to provide a fair valuation assessment in a timely manner for our respected clients.

A legal proceedings valuation report consist of a comprehensive investigation into over 200 variables of a subject property, coupled with an in depth analysis of the local property market to reflect a property’s true value and can be addressed for situations such as compensation property valuation purposes.

Property Valuation for Court Purposes Sydney

Sydney Property Valuers Metro can attribute our success in the valuation sphere to our commitment to:

  • Quick turnaround time
  • Remaining independent and acting with no conflict of interest
  • Providing accurate, comprehensive valuation reports
  • All reports are sworn valuations

If you would like to obtain a legal proceedings valuation report, or would like to learn more information on how we can assist you, please contact our team of experts on (02) 8599 9840, and we will be happy to assist. Alternatively, complete one of our online enquiry forms and a member of the team will get back to you at our earliest convenience.